Activities and Events
Below is an overview of what you can experience at Sølvberget. You can find an updated programme of all events and activities in Sølvberget's Calendar - Hva Skjer?
Literature, Debate, Freedom of Expression Films Art & Exhibition Creativity, Workshops, Meet-ups Kids & Family Activities
Literature, Debate, Freedom of Expression
Sølvberget organises a diversity of events of literature and poetry through social debates, book talks, writer conversations, lectures, workshops, concerts - you name it! Two important platforms are Kapittel and the Kielland Centre.
The Kielland Center works to cultivate literature, reading and writing in the region, and attempts to demonstrate how literature and art can act as social criticism and serve as tools for exercising power and political influence. With a variety of events, from philosophy cafes and poetry for youth to lectures, school visits and much more, the Kielland Centre has become a meeting place for debate and exchange of opinions.
Kapittel, Stavanger International Festival of Literature and Freedom of Speech, is an annual literature festival organised by Sølvberget Library and Culture House for a week every September. Kapittel is the second largest literature festival in Norway and maintains a strong focus on international literature and social issues, in particular freedom of expression.
Stream thousands of films and documentaries from Filmoteket, click and collect a DVD to pick up at your local library, or watch a film at Sølvberget Cinematek.
Sølvberget Cinematek offers a range of new and old international films for adults and children not available through ordinary film distribution. Regular screenings every Tuesday (at 12:00) and Thursday (at 18:00), as well as occasional Saturdays and Sundays and special screenings. All screenings take place at Odeon Kino – Stavanger. For complete and updated programme, visit Sølvberget Cinematek.
Art & Exhibition
Sølvberget organises relevant special exhibitions on the house and has its own gallery for contemporary art.
Sølvberget Gallery for Contemporary Art stages 4-5 exhibitions annually with works by local, regional, national and international artists. As part of Stavanger Culture House, the gallery’s exhibitions reflect the house’s other programme activities which include literature, film, music and freedom of expression. You can pop by for an introduction and conversation about the currrent exhibition or join a scheduled tour.
Creativity, Workshops & Meet-ups
Sølvberget regularly organises workshops for children, yout and adults - from drawing and cartooning to woodworking, knitting, 3D design and coding.
Sølvberget Makerspace is a workshop and meeting place on the 3. floor at Sølvberget and suited for children, youth and adults who want to create. We work with redeisgn, coding, 3D-design, woodworking, print, sewing, knitting and much more. Come join us!
Openinghours: Wednesday: 15:00-19:00 (with staff), Thursday: 15:00- 19:00 (with staff), Saturday: 12:00-16:00, check calender for saturdays that are open. Sølvberget Makerspace regularly organises workshops.
Self-service: People over the age of 18 can access the makerspace also without staff. Prior to using the makerspace in unstaffed periods, you need to undergo a training session with our staff. You sign a contract that gives you acess to the makerspace throughout the library's openings hours.
Knitting at the Library: Bring your own knitting and knit together with others at the library or learn how to get started. Organised in cooperation with Stavanger Strikk og Drikk and takes place one Thursday a month from 17:15 to 20:00.
Sew and Learn Norwegian: Once a week women with international background sew together in the Makerspace/Verkstedet at Sølvberget. Volunteers from Stavanger Red Cross assist with training and guidance. See calendar for times and place.
Photo / Video Workshop: Photo and film enthusiasts meet and explore different themes. Organised by Stavanger Active People Society - SAPS.
Filmmaking Club: For anyone interested in filmmaking. Organised by Stavanger Active People Society - SAPS.
International Culture Cafe: Experience cultures through food! We invite you to the International Culture Café in Allrommet on the Ground floor every second Saturday at 12:00 - 16:00. The café offers food from different countries at a reasonable price in an international environment of people from various cultures. Country and menu vary each week – from Vietnam, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq.
Child & Family Activities
Storytime for Children: One of our librarians reads from old and new favourites at the library. It takes place in Skattkammeret on the 2. floor of Sølvberget. For 3-6 year olds. Every Tuesday at 10.00.
Children's Cinematheque: Sølvberget Cinematek offers a programme of high quality children's movies. All programmed films are screened at Odeon-Stavanger Kino. Find udated programme at Sølvberget Cinematek.
Daddy Meet-ups: An informal meetup for dads on paternety leave and their children. There will be readings, book chats and presentation of new and relevant books by one of our librarians. Monday once a month at 11.00.
Sundays for Children: Concerts, theatre and fairytales for families. Every Sunday at 14:00.
Photo: Andrea Rocha Photography